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  • Make a point to complete achievements and clear natural obstacles to build your gem count. Above all, gems should be spent on builder’s huts.

  • If your opponent is at your TH level, or 1 level above or below, you get a 100% modifier on what you can steal. However, if your opponent is 2 levels above you get a 125% modifier, and if 3 levels above you get a 150% modifier

  • As you continue to play Clash of Clans you will continue to fight against harder and harder enemies and it will be more necessary for you to use spells to defeat them. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you save your spells for when they’re absolutely necessary.

  • You can choose to construct your village however you like, but it’s important to protect vital resources and buildings if you want to survive. Try and construct walls that protect units and confuse the enemy with multiple paths and layers to keep them on their toes.

  • Be careful never to spend every last bit of gold you have on an upgrade, you need to save some gold in order to be able to use the next ability to continue farming

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